Member Spotlight: Kelly Paulson

Kelly Paulson moved from California to Texas in 2021 and joined Trail Roots as a way to meet people in Austin who loved to do what she loved, running. She was relatively new to trail running when she joined and started attending our Wednesday Discovery Trail class regularly. Kelly fell in love with Trail Roots and the people she ran with and now attends almost every class and has increased her speed, skill, and distance with the help of coach Erik Stanley. Kelly is a positive and motivated member of our group and one of our biggest cheerleaders. We wanted to ask her a few questions about her journey with trail running and Trail Roots.

How did you get started running?

I started running when I was 38. My youngest child was a “look at me” kid and I needed some me time away from her. It started out as walking and then turned into run walk, then turned into run. I still remember the day I ran an entire mile for the very first time.

What made you want to join Trail Roots? How has running with a group helped you?

I moved to Austin not knowing a single person. The very first full day I was here (Memorial Day 2021), I sat down and googled running groups near me. Trail Roots popped up and I sent in my info. Running with a group has given me the opportunity to connect with other people, make friends, and gives me the courage to do races like Bandera (after swearing to never run more than 13.1 miles).

What do you like best about Discovery?

Discovery is my favorite weekday run. It’s usually a smaller group which means it gives me the ability to ask questions about everything (frito pie is not really a pie, who knew?), not get lost, and just enjoy the trail before starting work for the day.

Tell us a bit about why you love the Trail Roots community?

This is easy! I love this community because it’s accepting of all ages, sizes, and paces. I think it’s amazing that people who have a 6 or 7 min mile run by me on the road or the trail and yell out “hey, great job Kelly”. I have never had that with any other group that I have run with previously. It just shows that Trail Roots is truly a community/family and everyone wants you to succeed in meeting your goals, whatever they are.

You are a single mom with a full-time job, how do you fit in time to train?

It was definitely more difficult when my kids were younger, and then again when I divorced. I have been super lucky with my career choices and have had the ability to work from home for the last 11 years. I would get the kids off to school and then run at lunch or take them to their sports practice in the evening and run while they were at practices. Running has always been my stress relief and my happy place for the most part, so I have always made it a priority. What good was I to my kids if I was unhappy or stressed out was always my philosophy.

What have been some of the struggles you’ve had with running?

I feel like this question should be what haven’t I struggled with? LOL! Let’s start with the physical – recovering from 2 different ankle surgeries was rough. It’s hard to get motivated to run especially when after a 3 – 4 month recovery period, your body has forgotten how to run a mile. That’s when the mental part comes into it. I tend to get down on myself because I would get frustrated and feel like I was failing. Its important to remember that even if you have to start out with a run/walk, you are out there and you are working, so give yourself a high five because just getting back out there is half the battle.

You recently did your first 25k out at Bandera, your longest run to date. How was that experience and how did you prepare?

I had a great experience at Bandera. I followed Erik’s training program which started in October and ended the day before Bandera. I felt like I was totally prepared for the race. I didn’t have any set time goals except to finish before 5 hours and I finished it in 4:15 (or so). I felt great afterwards, took 2 days off and then was back to my normal running schedule.

I love Coach Erik! I worked with him to train for my very first 25k trail race at Bandera. Let me first say that I am not an elite runner. Before I started training, I ran maybe 15 miles a week at a high 11 min mile pace. Erik encouraged me to attend at least 1 of the speed training classes he offered every week and gave me a great training plan to up my weekly mileage. Within 3 months of going consistently to the speed classes, I set a PR for 1 mile. These days I run about 30 miles a week and have started to average in the low to mid 10s for my pace. I still hate speed drills around the track but love that I am getting stronger and faster. Thank you so much Coach Erik for the encouragement and praise!

— Kelly Paulson

You’ve been doing coaching with Erik Stanley for 4 months, how has his training helped you reach your goals?

I started with Erik in October 2021 for Bandera. I honestly didn’t have any goals when I first started. He recommended that I go to at least one of the weekday training runs and so I started going consistently in December 2021. I tell people that I am accidentally getting faster just by attending. Erik asked me one Tuesday night if I felt faster and I probably gave him a look like are you crazy, but it made me think. I went home and researched past runs (thank you Garmin) and I had gotten faster without even realizing it.

Do you have a dream race or location to run?

Not really. Pre-pandemic I used to travel for work so I would run in every city that I was working in. I have run in Boston, Pittsburgh, Lakeland Fl, Chicago, Madison WI just to name a few. Running is how I sightsee when traveling.

What is your next big goal this year in running?

I actually have 2 goals this year. I want to run the Urban Cow half marathon in Sacramento and then follow it up with the half marathon relay for CIM in December.

What advice would you give someone who is new to trail running and is hesitant to join a group?

I would tell them it’s a great way to explore Austin and to connect with not only nature, but themselves. It’s not as scary as it seems with the trail markers and the amount of knowledge that most of the runners have about our local trails. Sure you might get lost at Lakeway and run around in circle by the pond a few time before you realize that you aren’t even supposed to be by the pond, but it’s a beautiful place to be lost and there will be someone who is just a phone call away at the car to help you find your way back!


Understanding Your Race Taper


Habits over > Goals