Member Spotlight: Abby Malakiman

Abby joined Trail Roots in 2022 when she was looking to add some speed work to her marathon training and run with people! She is an extremely consistent, hardworking, and exceptional athlete with big running goals. She’s spent the last several years running half and full marathons as she prepares to complete all the big marathons. She attends almost every Trail Roots workout, including the predawn runs and incorporates swimming into her regime. She can hang with the best runners in town and is an inspiration to all of us. We are so happy she is a part of our community and wanted to ask her a few questions about her journey with running and Trail Roots.

Tell us a bit about your athletic background? What inspired you to start running?

I grew up running track and cross country in middle and high school while also swimming competitively year-round. My mom has a background in triathlons and  coaches both these sports, but I only had her as a coach on the running side. I had the option to swim or run for college, but I picked swimming (I was a bit burnt out on the track, pressure to place, etc.). So I swam all 4 years of college while doing short runs on weekends until my last two years in school. A friend convinced me to start doing a half marathon those last two years with her, and once I graduated I looked for another. I ran the Death Valley Trail Half Marathon in December of 2016 (keyword is December–it was cold out, haha) , and I was hooked by the stunning natural beauty. I came back the next year to run the full course through Titus Canyon, and when my trail time was within minutes of the Boston Qualifier, road races to secure that became my new goal while also squeezing in a bunch of West-of-the-Rockies trail races of various distances. I’ve continued swimming, although at a much different level, because I still enjoy it and I think it helps me remain injury-free. I still look for the opportunity to swim open water races, but I’m done with the pool competition for now–it’s a lot less scenic. 

Why did you join Trail Roots?

I was running a half out in Port Aransas and ended up running with Scott Baldridge. I talked about wanting to find a running crew in Austin to make me do speed work (and it’d be nice to train with people for a change–especially helpful in the summer!) and he recommended Trail Roots.

Has your training changed since joining a group?

Yes! I actually do speed training, which I hadn’t done since high school otherwise. It was all long miles at a steady pace until race days. 

Tell us about your training philosophy? Do you have a coach? How do you get yourself up so early to train?

I guess my training philosophy is that you just need to get up and get it done to make the race feasible, doable, and more enjoyable. I don’t have an official coach right now. I’m not a “snooze” on the alarm clock type of person, and I’m annoyingly religious about going to bed on time/early. I blame all the years of early morning swim workouts that started when I was 11. If you weren’t present and in the pool on time, there’d be yelling and pushups – so I’m pretty on-time no matter the hour to this day. Plus, once I was splitting the two sports, I had limited time to get in each workout, so I always needed to make sure I got it done when I could. Years of discipline I suppose.

Which do you like more, road or trail?

In California (with its so-called “buttery” trails) it was trail. In Texas it’s road. I prefer trudging up fire roads to the top of mountains to technical single track, even it’s flat. So road running out here has become my favorite – plus I’m trying to do some of the big road marathons out there, so I’m enjoying all the training that goes with that. 

Having people to meet also keeps you accountable and helps you to build consistency in any activity, but especially running.

— Abby

What’s your favorite trail or workout that you do with Trail Roots?

Trail: Slaughter Creek. It has a 5 mile and 3 mile loop.

Favorite workout is probably the 8x400s followed by the 1.5miles hard. I dread it when it’s announced, but I always end up having a great time doing it. (Usually a Tuesday workout!)

You’ve done quite a few races this year, what was your best experience?

CIM was super fun to attend with a bunch of fellow Trail Roots people. But honestly, running 3M with my brothers and finally hitting a big PR was awesome, and it was super fun to see everyone on Great Northern! Best race experience I’ve had in awhile: I felt good, I ran fast, and got to do it with/see some of my favorite people along the way. 

Do you have any races or goals that you’re working towards?

I’ve applied to the New York Marathon with my CIM time, so hopefully that one this Fall! I’d also like to do Chicago next year–trying to do all three big ones in the US! (I ran Boston in 2021). I’d also love to break 3 hours in the marathon…I’m close, but it hasn’t quite lined up for me yet (proper fueling, course, weather, etc.). Someday!

You’ll also be joining us on our Big Bend Runcation, what made you decide to sign up?

Big Bend was one of the selling points when I looked up Trail Roots–I’ve never been and honestly didn’t know it was a national park until moving to Texas. I also love desert running, so I’m super excited to check it out!

What advice would you give people who are new to running and want to join a group?

Run what’s right for you, even if it’s less mileage or a slower pace at first. Build into it – and there’s always someone in a group who’ll be able to run with you! Having people to meet also keeps you accountable and helps you to build consistency in any activity, but especially running.  


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