Follow these Basics to Become a Runner and Stay Healthy

1) Start with where you are! Don’t try to begin training at the same level you were a few years ago or where you want to be in 6 months.

2) 4-8 weeks of easy running as “Base Mileage”

3) Increase by no more than 10% each week for 2-3 weeks & Take a recovery week at least 1x month of 15-25% less mileage

4) When you add workouts in keep at least 80% of your runs easy and no more than 20% hard

5) Plan in time trials every 6-8 weeks to check in. This can be a practice race that is a sub goal race to gauge your fitness and preparation, or it can be a solo challenge you create for yourself.


Member Spotlight: Sally Ng


Acclimatizing to Texas Summers for Runners