Member Spotlight: Scott Merritt
Scott joined Trail Roots in 2019 when he was looking for a run group that was a bit more trail-focused and socially connected (not necessarily in that order). You can find him both on the trail and on the road as he has been consistently training and racing for years. Scott only has one speed, fast. His competitive spirit and hard work ethic often gets him on the podium at Trail Roots races and he pushes and encourages everyone he runs with. Being a dad to two kids, while also having a full time job and a partner who also spends hours on the trail, he often gets his workouts in well before the sunrise. We wanted to ask him a few questions about his journey with running.
What inspired you to start running?
I grew up playing lots of sports, but with a heavy focus on soccer. My Messi-like foot skills were heavily lacking, so instead, I relied heavily on my ability to outwork and outlast my opponent. I came to embrace this skill and took great pride in watching them fade and ultimately stop trying as I rode their ass all over the field for 90 minutes. 🙂After college when competitive soccer reached its natural end, some friends started running road races, so I dabbled with a few 5ks and noticed similar highs from pushing myself, trying to catch those in front of me, and feeling accomplished after crossing the finish line. That planted seeds for future running inspiration and ultimately, bigger running goals.
Why did you join Trail Roots?
Trail Roots drew me in for several reasons. I had run with several other groups in town for many years and generally missed the camaraderie and genuine friendships that come with kumbayaing at 5:30am for a run. Admittedly, when left to my own devices, I also lace up less, don’t push as hard, and am just generally a worse human.
Trail Roots specifically spoke to me because I got to know Erik and a bunch of the incredible TR crew through their outreach efforts with a non-profit I used to work with. Their support and positive energy really drew me in and made me want to be a part of it all. Those experiences coupled with being trail-curious, needing more zen in my life, and wanting a break from grinding out road miles and races, and it just seemed like a natural fit.
“If meeting new people, exploring new run routes or trails, or wanting/needing a level of accountability to show up resonates, come on out and give it a shot. Recognizing it can be intimidating walking into a circle of strangers, you’ll be quickly welcomed. And perhaps sooner than later we’ll be reading about you in our runner spotlight.”
Has your training changed since joining a group?
Yes, joining Trail Roots definitely changed my training. Running trails forces you to better understand effort rather than strictly pacing. Those who’ve seen me in the later stages of a trail race can attest I still don’t haven’t quite figured it out - it ain’t pretty. That aside, as an older runner I also find myself enjoying long, “easy” miles on trails just taking in the surroundings. The concept of “running the easy miles easy” was never my strong suit, so it’s been a positive shift.
What do you love about running?
Running really encompasses everything that matters. It’s fitness and pushing myself. It’s meditation. It’s therapy. It’s friendship, connection, and social time (which is also often therapy). It’s goal setting and discipline (followed by lots of reasons to celebrate). It’s traveling to amazing places. It’s being outside. It’s buying cool, fun new toys - er… gear. It’s become family connection time. And having completed this thought experiment - not surprisingly, it’s where I’ve met so many incredible humans I get to call friends - and ultimately, an amazing partner.
What is your favorite trail to run with Trail Roots?
Hmmm… several come to mind. I really like Steiner and Deception. Joel’s Loop is great and Lakeway is an awesome ass-kicker that I hope they preserve through all the development out there.
You like to push yourself, where does that drive come from?
Probably from having an older brother. My determination to play with, be accepted by, and ultimately beat him was the foundation for me learning to push myself and wanting to win at everything I participated in. And consequently, many years of therapy much later in life. 🙂
With such a busy schedule, how do you find time to train? Do you have a coach?
Until recently, I’ve actually struggled for many, many years to train consistently. My excuse list is extensive, but I’ve solved for most of them and know that sometimes, early is the only time to make it happen. Our wise friend Syd also enlightened me to the very real truth that squeezing in a quick 4-mile run is better than no run at all. And over time, those add up. So, I keep that front of mind when my inner voice wants to say f*ck it and hit the skip button.
And yes, I recently hired a coach to prep for some short and longer-term race goals I’ve been chewing on for quite awhile. Given my sometimes wonky schedule and only being able to run with the group every other week, it’s been great having someone hold me accountable and tell me exactly what to do and when. His post-workout feedback also takes the overthinking out of my otherwise skewed analysis of my efforts.
You often travel for races and training run adventures, where’s your favorite place to run?
Such a great question. I think I just love exploring new places, whether it’s a beautiful trail in the woods or mountains, or a town or city I’m discovering for the first time. Actually, sunrise runs in unfamiliar cities may be my favorite. Exploring a typically bustling place with heavily trafficked streets before most people are awake is pretty special. Running is such a great way to take in the details you wouldn’t otherwise discover. Such a cool experience.
Do you have any races or goals that you’re working towards in 2024?
Yes! After many years away from road races, I’m going to try my hand at marathoning again. Everyone’s favorite Pennsylvanian TRooter, Tucker, and I are going to toe the line at the Vermont City Marathon on Memorial Day weekend. Then, I’ll go shake my legs out a few weeks later with a 30k at the Malibu Canyon ultra event whilst cheering on Lise, Augusta, Syd, Ed, and Michael as they kick ass in their respective races. Still flirting with fall marathon ideas, so please keep the suggestions coming - the request line is open!
What advice would you give people who are new to running and want to join a group?
If meeting new people, exploring new run routes or trails, or wanting/needing a level of accountability to show up resonates, come on out and give it a shot. Recognizing it can be intimidating walking into a circle of strangers, you’ll be quickly welcomed. And perhaps sooner than later we’ll be reading about you in our runner spotlight. 🙂