Peak Training Time

Sky Island Trail Race is in 6 weeks! This is one of our most challenging courses and we want you do be ready. Here are a few tips to keep in mind as you finish out your training.

1) Peak your mileage somewhere in that 3-6 week out from the race if possible. From what I’ve seen as a coach, you get the most out of the training in that range. Once you are within two weeks, its time to dial back. 10 days out you won’t really see much benefit from the training, but its more about keeping your legs moving and your mind sharp. I always recommend keeping a similar number of workout/ run days, but shortening the distance and effort.

2) Get a few more hill sessions in. They don’t all have to be in a long run, and you actually don’t have to do it all in a run. You can prepare for hills as we mentioned before by incorporating other strength routines, bleachers, stair climbers etc. I do recommend practicing downhill running though. Runners often can lose significant amount of time on their race because they aren’t comfortable running the downhills or the technical rocky sections. Fall a few times and you realize that you’ll be ok… your handhelfdwater bottle is great for catching you on a fall.

3) Get a game plan for your nutrition. It doesn’t have to dialed in by the exact calorie, but have an idea. I tend to keep things more broad, so for my race plan I might follow this : 200-250 cal/hr. Eat food the first half (pb&J, Ramen, Bars, aid station food), and rely on gels and energy chews to supplement me on the second half. I may add in a gel or two during the first half of the race and I may eat food the second half but thats the general plan.

4) Back off on race week (reminder for myself). Take an extra day off and keep the runs a bit shorter. This can be tough because we are so wired to keep pushing… but during the last 10 days or so its really about getting freshened up! Avoid starting new strength routines or trying new training methods. Keep with the stuff that has been working. Do some mental work to prepare yourself to enjoy the challenge and the journey that each race brings.


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Member Spotlight: Marla Briley