Meet the Pack Leaders

Our goal is to create meaningful relationships with all of our members and to do this we created trail packs. These are sub groups within Trail Roots of runners who run around the same pace, live in the same area, or have similar goals, and are led by pack leaders. This is how people get to know others they will likely be running with. We’d like to introduce them as they are instrumental to the success of the group.


Pack Leaders: Matt Fletcher and Tucker Dona | Paces: 6:30-9 min on roads and 7:30-9:30 on trail

Matt Fletcher

Matt’s been a long time member and leader in Trail Roots since the group began! He often helps out with marking and leading Saturday morning runs. You can also find him as a pacer for the Austin marathon and at many other road and trail races around town, helping, running, and contributing to the running community. Read more

How has training with Trail Roots helped you?

“Get a group. That’s the #1 thing I tell people who ask me for advice when they want to start running. Running groups keep you showing up and that’s the only way to get better at it. All the training tactics, drills, long run vs tempo vs speed work ratios… none of that matters more than just consistently going out running.”

Tucker Dona

Tucker joined us the day after he moved to Austin when he was looking for a running group in the area. He and his wife are long time triathlon and running competitors and train consistently while raising their two young toddlers. You can often find the whole family on the side of the track for a picnic on Tuesday evening workouts. Read more

What advice would you give people who are new to trail running and want to join a group?

“Come give Trail Roots a try! There are workouts for everyone and someone to run (or hike) with at all paces. It is a great group of people and we explore all of the trails Austin has to offer.”


Pack Leaders: Lindsay Legé and Ryan Ireland | Paces: 8-10:30 on road and 9:30-11:30 on trails

Lindsay Legé

Lindsay has been with the group for a little over a year, but she fit right in and it quickly felt like she had been in the group much longer. As a consistent Wednesday morning runner, she has bonded with many of the runners who are newer to the group and helps them feel comfortable on the trail. She even hosted our first ever Pride Run and is working on running her first 50K. 

What was your experience like when you first joined the group?

“I was a little nervous to show up that first morning, but I felt immediately welcomed by Amy and other folks in the group. After that, I knew I wanted to keep coming back. Now some of my best friends are folks I've met through Trail Roots! It meant a lot to be asked to become a pack leader because I wanted to be someone who helped other people feel like I did on that first day.” 

Ryan Ireland

Ryan recently became a pack leader after being a member for several years. You can find him at the early morning 5:30am runs, even on Saturdays! As he juggles family, work, and running, when asked to be a pack leader, he gladly accepted. He is always first to help out at races and within our community and recently PR’d at the California International Marathon.

What do you like about being a pack leader?

“I enjoy talking to new members or drop-ins about Trail Roots and my experience running with the group.”

Hot Tamales

Pack Leaders: Christy Khuen and Lise Plantier | Paces: Paces range from 7:30-9:30 on road and 8:30-10:30 on most trails

Christy Khuen

Christy is back to running after taking some time off for an injury. She likes to go big and packs her year with marathons, running trips, and adventures in her van with her husband and dog, Barley. She’s also a smiling face at race packet pick ups and on the trail. She attends most of the runs and loves jumping in Barton Springs after the Thursday morning run. Read more

How has training with a group helped you? How did your running change after beginning to train with Trail Roots?

“Trail Roots has shown me how much I really appreciate training with people. It's just better. With the group, I'm more consistent and I've run more miles than I thought I could. I'm challenged when I need it, and am given so much encouragement on tough training days. Running before sunrise, through the heat of summer, and in the rain weren’t things I did before either, but now I do and love it.”

Lise Plantier

Lise is one of our ultra running role models. She just completed the Hard Rock 100 for the second time! She goes hard and trains consistently, her running takes her all around the USA, but her heart is in the mountains of Colorado. When she’s not in training, she can be found at the 5:30am workouts and helping to mark the trail on Saturday mornings. She steps up as a leader and has tremendous trail experience under her belt. Read more

Why did you join Trail Roots?

“Many reasons! But the main 2 are (1) the head space I got from not having to overthink it every time I had to go run alone, in the early morning, or in the dark (because now I have a group to meet) and (2) having company on my long trail runs (at least partially), makes time go by much faster, and even pushes my pace a little sometimes.”


Pack Leaders: Terry Aguirre and Kelly Paulson | Paces: 9-12+ min pace on road and 11-14+ min on most trails

Terry Aguirre

Terry was a member of the group several years ago and resigned up at the end of 2020 when she was looking for a community during the pandemic. She’s done a lot in the years she’s been a trail runner and hiker, including doing Rim-to-Rim at the Grand Canyon. Her soulful presence and friendly demeanor makes her a great pack leader as she can be found hiking with people brand new to trail running. 

What do you like about being a pack leader?

First of all, I was humbled and honored to even be asked to serve as a pack leader. I like being on the “welcome committee.” One on one is what I do best in a social situation. And as a quiet person (not shy), I know how intimidating it is to walk up to a large group of strangers and wonder, “is anybody going to talk to me? Will I have anybody to run with?'

I love recognizing a new face and hopefully immediately make them feel welcomed as I chat with them and introduce them to others in the group, so they can be wrapped up in the warmth that this group exudes. I’m naturally a very curious person and I ask a lot of questions (perhaps too many? I am insatiably curious and a bit socially awkward), but I ask because I am genuinely interested in people, and second, it helps me better connect them to others with whom they may have something in common, or I find that I have something in common with them (besides running)!  Those are always fun moments!

Besides that, I enjoy encouraging others, including everyone, supporting goals, cheering on their races, answering questions about trails/trail running, sharing life together, and those especially fun moments on the trail when someone says, "I think we went the wrong way!"  No, I assure them. "We're just exploring together. It's all part of the adventure."

Kelly Paulson

Kelly is another member who has only been with us for a year, but it feels like she’s been in the group for much longer. She is our Trail Roots cheerleader and attends nearly every run and race. After moving from California, she found Trail Roots and fell in love from the first day. She hikes/runs and is a fun friend to share the trail with. Read more

Tell us a bit about why you love the Trail Roots community? 

“This is easy! I love this community because it’s accepting of all ages, sizes, and paces. I think it’s amazing that people who have a 6 or 7 min mile run by me on the road or the trail and yell out “hey, great job Kelly”. I have never had that with any other group that I have run with previously. It just shows that Trail Roots is truly a community/family and everyone wants you to succeed in meeting your goals, whatever they are.”


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